Friday, May 10, 2013

To See

Vaughn and I visited the eye doctor a couple of weeks ago and found out that his left eye, tricked us. Jerad and I knew that there was a very likely chance that his eye wasn’t going to continue to improve on its own but because we finally received some good news following that previous eye appointment back in February that we rejoiced at the positive outcome for Vaughn. It was also one less accessory that we had to dress him in each day. We see the eye doctor every 2 months so this was a routine check up, but the timing happened to be perfect as just as we were approaching this appointment we started to notice that left eye start to track funny. It is very subtle and so I waited to see if Jerad would notice without me saying something and he did, so we had an idea going into this appointment that Vaughn’s glasses would be making a comeback.
At our last helmet appointment I mentioned that I had a feeling we would need to start wearing Vaughn’s glasses and that trying to slide them in between his face and helmet didn’t work because he could pull them off. We were given some velcro to try and we are thankful that it worked! We are able to keep his glasses on and wear his helmet by adhering the glasses to the outside of the helmet (see the picture below because if you thought he was cute, he is even cuter now). Vaughn had his 4th scan and we moved 3mm and that is the progress we were praying for! He went from a 12 to a 9 and our goal is a 5. We go back in a week to get another scan and to find out if we are close enough to be finished. The boys had their first colds at the end of April and were not eating so I don't think he moved another 3mm. Here is the scan:

I was discouraged at first…. Thinking really, the one thing that was going well and now I have to ask my son to not only wear a helmet but put his glasses back on. And if we couldn’t keep the glasses on, we were given some patches to try. I feel good about the glasses now though so we will wear them until our next check up to see if they are helping.
It was raining yesterday while I was driving and talking to the Lord and asking for some understanding about Vaughn, his delay, his helmet, his eye and a song by Laura Story came on the radio called “Blessings”. I have heard this song a million times (and will put the lyrics at the end of this blog) but today, as it was raining, it spoke to my heart. Here is the chorus:
'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise”
What if the trails that we face with having premature babies are really God’s mercies? This song motivated me to get into the word and seek out the verses’ on “to see” and there wasn’t any on to see but there were some on “sight”. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says “We live by faith, not by sight”. That faith word has surfaced again. We walk by faith, we live by faith. And isn’t faith believing what the eyes cannot see.