Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 5 is Daylight Savings…..
Daylight Savings and babies, not a good mix. Today is Election Day and I say we put daylight savings to a vote because anyone with small children would vote against. It is so hard to keep them on schedule and in helmets is even more challenging! Day 5 was Sunday and it went great for Asher. He was already pretty much in his 23 hours so I feel good about his progress. His naps are not as long as normal but I honestly can’t tell if this is because of the helmet, daylight savings and or both.
Vaughn is on his own schedule which falls right in line with his adorable life! Because his head has such a unique shape to it, like putting an oval in a round helmet, we knew getting the right fit would be challenging. So he only took taps in his helmet and not for bed time. We did have him wear it all day though and only took it off for an hour during the day for his bath. His helmet just isn’t a tight enough fit so it moves around on him and it is hard enough to ask him to sleep in a helmet but not fair to ask him to sleep in a helmet that doesn’t fit.
On Monday Jerad and I took the boys back to Children’s for another fitting. The only thing we needed to do was have some material added to Asher’s on the cheek pieces of his helmet so the foam wasn’t rubbing on his cheeks.
For Vaughn’s fitting, they took out the added piece in the back where we originally thought it would help make the helmet a tighter fit and shaved more off the top of his helmet so his glasses didn’t bump against it. After we made another round of adjustments though, Greg decided that we might have been too aggressive with Vaughn’s helmet and need to re-scan him and order a new helmet. Jerad took him back to get scanned and he was rock star as they were able to capture the scan the first time, Jerad said he was even smiling in the picture! So we await a new helmet for Vaughn…. He is still wearing his old helmet during the day and at naps so we don’t loose any time until the new one arrives. Time is important factor right now as typically a child’s head does the most rapid growth in the first year so we really only have until the end of December for the best growth but because the boys are small for their gestational age, we think we will still see progress even into 2013. The estimated time for Asher to wear his helmet is 3-4 months and Vaughn 4-5 months and of course this all depends on how much they grow. Pray that the boys grow! We have a weight check later today with Grammie so we are headed back to Children’s for the boys 1 year check up.

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