Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 2 and Day 3

Day 2
Today we were to wear the helmets 2 hours on and 1 hour off. After the first couple of hours I noticed that Asher had a red spot on the right side of his head, just above the ear and the cheek piece on Vaughn’s helmet was pushing in too far. So we made an afternoon appointment at Children’s to get that fixed before the weekend. We called Grandpa to come help and off we went. I am super thankful we went in as the red spot on Asher’s head was about to turn into a blister. He didn’t wear his helmet the rest of the day. They made some adjustments to Vaughn’s helmet also, they actually added a piece in the back to fill in the gap where his head doesn’t fill out the helmet as much in hopes to make the fit a little more tight. We also needed some more room for his glasses. We put the helmet back on him and we headed home to finish out the day. I would say they did a good job of showing patience as the helmets were taken on and off to get the fit just right and I was able to watch how Greg placed them on each time.
Day 3
4 hours on and 1 hour off…. Not exactly. I had bible study today and didn’t want the ladies who watch the boys to have to deal with the helmets just yet, so we were a little short in hours for the morning shift but overall they did pretty well with wearing their helmets. I am still struggling to get them on and off, thank goodness they won’t remember any of this. Dad gave baths when he got home and I gave the helmets a good scrub. Each time the helmet comes off; I clean them with rubbing alcohol and wipe their heads off with a cool wash cloth. Their bodies are already adapting to the heat of the helmets as the sweat wasn’t as bad today even after wearing them for 4 hours straight. The twins enjoyed a little extra tv time today as we all get use to the weight of the helmets.

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