Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Results of the MRI

We had an MRI done on Vaughn the beginning of October and received the results that he has a tethered spinal cord. We decided to get a second opinion and after meeting with the second surgeon we scheduled the surgery for Monday. It is a rather simple procedure but none the less is still the central nervous system. We will be staying 2 nights at Children’s and asking for your prayers as Vaughn recovers. The best news of the MRI is that Vaughn’s brain is good! There is so much joy in knowing this for Jerad and I.

I cannot believe it has been 3 months since I posted an update! Asher is soooo close to walking and took a couple steps during PT for Ms. Susie and I! He is also talking so much and he is saying 2 words at a time and communicates very effectively with us. We are so proud of his development! We did go ahead and schedule an MRI for Asher in December as there is a chance that the tethered spinal cord is genetic and not environmental.

Both boys are just loving practicing walking and our backs are sore but we are thrilled to have this “problem”. Thank God for Asher’s walker! Vaughn doesn’t quite have the upper body strength to pull the walker but Jerad’s brother gave us a toy that you push and Vaughn loves it and walks with this push toy. Vaughn has started talking and signing too and it is the cutest thing! He sign’s milk and more (and says them but they sound very similar) and signs eat. He says bubbles, show and is starting to ask for his pasi. I am truly enjoying watching him learn!

We had a great Halloween; it was exactly what I wanted. We went up to Eric and Jenelle’s and trick or treated with our cousins. The twins love their “big boy” cousins and missed our “big girl” cousins. I was reminded how good it felt to be with family and the importance of making time to be together…. We want to set a presentence for Vaughn and Asher what high value God places on family and Jerad and I haven’t done a great job this far, so we will be setting a new standard going forward.

Since this is November, the month of Thanksgiving….. I want to share what I am thankful for. First and forever, JESUS. The one who made us in His image and gave us family, community and emotions. I am super blessed by a community of women whom we all share one thing in common, we have twins. These women are funny, talented and beautiful and accept me exactly as I am. We laugh together, cry together, serve together and take care of each other. I am proud to be a Darling Doubles member. My heart is glad and happy to call them family.

Being made in His image is a huge thought. I mean think about, we were made in God’s image. We studied this concept one evening with another community that we call family that we Live One Life with and as I was thinking about what I am thankful for; I realized it is emotion. That we have the ability to express faith, hope and love. And those of you who know me well know that I am a little over emotional at times (I know and understatement)and though I feel this is one of my greatest weaknesses, it is also how God shows Himself, His character to me. He has the very same emotions and uses them to teach, correct and train me into the woman He created me to be.
With that said I want to share a video that encompasses these things……..As you know, we waited a couple of years to become parents and were blessed to tell our family on Easter that we were expecting. At the time of the video we didn’t know that we were having twins. My Mom and Brother were not able to be there but as Jerad and I drove up to Estes Park with my Dad, we were feeling so many emotions! I already knew EXACTLY how I wanted to tell our family. God was very clear with me when He showed me that I was to marry Jerad and He did so in using our oldest nephew Sam. Both Jerad and I have a special connection with Sam as he is the first grandson and a little older than the rest of the cousins so we had the opportunity to spend some time with just him, as he has grown into the young gentleman he is today. When we got to Nana and Papa’s, Jerad took Sam aside to tell him that we were pregnant as Sam typically pray’s over the meals. We asked him to end his prayer by saying how thankful he was for the baby growing in Kristie’s belly. Looking back we should have told him to say how thankful he was that I was pregnant because, as you will see….. I think my sister Jenelle was the only one that got what he was saying!! The man hugging me at the end is my Dad and a good representation of how much our Heavenly Father feels what we feel here on earth. So enjoy a little glimpse of our family’s emotions and how I think God feels about us. May each of you be BLESSED this Thanksiving season.


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