definition of the word thrive is: To make steady progress; prosper. To grow vigorously; flourish. On
Friday Jerad and I took Vaughn to see the Pediatrician and we discussed monthly
weight checks for him as he is failing to thrive. He is failing to thrive
because the throws up a lot. When I say a lot, I mean monthly. We thought this
was just Vaughn, maybe due to his acid reflux or a mismanagement of food. And
maybe it is one of those reasons; regardless it is time to find out why he is
failing to thrive. It is hard to crawl, speak or process new information if
your body is working overtime just to survive and that time is now for Vaughn
to make steady progress; to prosper and to grow vigorously. We have an
appointment next month with the Digestive Institute at Children’s to begin the
investigation into what could possibly be making it difficult for his body to digest his
food. Is he beginning to show signs of a dairy allergy? I am keeping a food
diary of what he is eating and it seems to be coincidence that it is
associated, some of the time with dairy based products. The dietician that we
spoke with on Friday advised us to take him off of whole milk and just offer
formula until we can see the GI specialist. We are also working on re-
scheduling an appointment with the Children’s Feeding Clinic to see if he might
have some problems swallowing his food and we just aren’t noticing the signs.
Vaughn is one tough kid.
After he throws up, he usually is smiling but my concern is he will begin to
have an aversion to food and associate eating with throwing up and then we will
have an even bigger problem in the future. I am sad that in our last month with
bed time wearing only of his helmet he didn’t grow 1 once. We are out of time;
there is no more foam in his helmet to shave out. His head looks really great
and I am extremely thankful that we decided to put him (them) in the helmets
but the roundness isn’t the “5” that I was hoping for. Now that the helmet is
off, it is been very challenging keeping the glasses on. We are supposed to be
patching his right eye for 2 hours a day and because we have been so focused on
his diet, I have only done it one time and it didn’t go well.
I spoke recently to our
genetics counselor and we have scheduled an MRI for Vaughn in October. We
wanted to get this procedure scheduled but didn’t want to rush into putting him
back under anesthesia either. We are only waiting on one more genetic test to
come back but since everything else has come back negative, we have a feeling
this last one will also (the last genetic test associated with the eye).
I am sitting here so
frustrated. I feel that Jerad and I have walked this journey with grace and
honestly I decided from the start not to ask God why as it didn’t matter. We
didn’t ask why we had a high risk pregnancy or why the boys were born at 29
weeks. I didn’t ask God why Vaughn was born 1pound 4 ozs or Asher at 2 pounds
5ozs. This was the journey we were walking and by faith, I knew we would make progress. I have to admit though; I am
starting to ask God why. WHY after all we have been through, can’t Vaughn at
least prosper? He wants to crawl and
he wants to talk, he just doesn’t have the energy to grow vigorously. I am mad. I am struggling with the journey of
being a parent. Jerad and I choose from the moment we found out that we were
pregnant that we would be in partnership with Him in this adventure and that
decision remains the same but for this moment, I just have to express my
With all that being
said, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t end this blog with the truth. The truth is;
Vaughn will flourish. We will find
the answers we seek with the help of many medical professionals and Jesus.
Vaughn will thrive because he was created in God’s image. He is the son of the
one and only Heavenly Father and is loved beyond measure. We are taking a more
aggressive approach to Vaughn’s health and I know that “failure to thrive”
won’t be a diagnosis that labels who he is. This is just one more expression of
our faith that gives us the opportunity to hand Vaughn back to Jesus and say
“We trust You with his life”. We trust you Lord and Jerad and I will continue
to bless him with more of YOU.
We thank you in advance for walking along side us,
reading the blog and most importantly praying with us as we do our best to keep
each of you updated. I wanted to be really honest about where we are at so you
know how to best cover us in prayer. My desire for this post is that after reading
this, you see that HOPE isn’t lost in our family, that we know that we know
that God will be glorified in our story, this just happens to be a time of
seeking and learning more about the characteristics of God and how we can
continue to love Him in the midst of heart ache. As Jerad and I have been discipled
in our faith, we have been taught to be good question asker’s of God and I believe
it is time to ask some questions and not be afraid of the answers. Just asking “Why”
isn’t enough, so as we search out His response, be encouraged that this chapter
in our lives will end with joy and jubilee.
Kristie, I am so proud of you. I am so inspired by you and Jerad. Thanks for your honest reflections that aren't sanitized and just represent exactly where you are. I struggle right along with you in so many things, but I also take comfort in knowing that when we don't understand or when we don't see anything seeming to be working out that we can be assured that God is still at work behind the scenes and in His timing which is perfect we gain more understanding. I often pray for you and plead with God on your behalf for the hard times to end and for there to be the relief of just not worrying about anything and finding joy in each moment. But, in the meantime, I also ask God to equip you with supernatural strength and encouragement to not give up. He chose well when he chose you and Jerad to parent these two sweet ones. In his wisdom you are the PERFECT parents to these little men and I know that despite it not feeling great all the time, He is using you to express His love and His mercy in a way that is loudly proclaiming His goodness. I hope that all makes sense. My heart hurts with yours. My heart is mad with yours. But most importantly, my heart is also trusting our Heavenly Father with yours. Big huge hugs with lots of love to you today! Love, Carol Ann