Sunday, April 2, 2017

ASD (Acknowledging Something's Different) or Autism Spectrum Disorder....

Vaughn was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in July of last year. I am still struggling a little with the label. I don’t want him to ever have a label other than the Son of the Most High and yet we need the help to get the ongoing services that he needs because being a preemie just doesn’t do the job.

ASD means something different for each family as it is a spectrum disorder and individual’s fall on such different places on the timeline that on occasion it can be hard to diagnose. For years Vaughn has been behind the typical developing timeline and we assumed that it was because he was born so early and so small but the time came a year ago that we had to Acknowledge that Something was Different. It was time to get him tested and confirm, that since the boys are identical twins that Asher didn’t fall within the same category.

We had the initial conversation with our Pediatrician back in December of 2015 asking for a referral to the CDU at Children’s. She was hesitant at first but we brought along our friend and my advocate Michelle to help me communicate our expectations for the boys care (Michelle is an SLP). We waited for 6 months on the wait list before I called to try to push up our evaluations as I wanted an answer before pre-school started in the fall. I instantly like the MD and Psychologist that we worked with and don’t feel it is too much of an exaggeration to say these two doctors became like family to me. We had Vaughn evaluated at one appointment, then Asher evaluated and then Jerad and I drove down to Parker for the results meeting.  The Psychologist let me sit in on Vaughn’s Autism testing so I knew when we left that day that he would receive that diagnosis and they didn’t even test Asher for ASD so we knew that his brain was developing more typically. Jerad and I talked and talked about the meeting, prepared and prayed and yet it didn’t matter how prepared we thought we were, hearing that your son has a disability crushes your soul.

The Doctors presented us with some additional diagnosis’ some of which are not 100% confirmed and honestly I am not sure that we will accept. I was encouraged by our Pastor that this is a divine opportunity to dream the dreams that God has for Vaughn and have promised myself that once some of the grieving drifts away that I will, dare to dream big God size kingdom advancement dreams for our family.

I will not be embarrassed by ASD and am learning how to parent through a whole new filter. We have established house rules and visual schedules that for this type A Mom, is really a joy

I started to ask God WHY again, Why Autism after we worked so hard to deliver these babies and then bring them home to grow and thrive into the gentlemen that You created them to be and had to stop myself. Because it does not matter WHY. This is the journey we have been asked to walk and I will do my very best to reflect Jesus in it. Vaughn has opened doors for us that other- wise would be closed, to meet people that are uniquely created and learn from them.

Asher is thriving and developing typically and we couldn’t be more happy that his hard work is paying off. We did have an IQ test done and though he did fall below the average he has lots of room to grow and learn and develop just as God intended. Asher is so incredibly compassionate… I just can’t put into words how mercy hearted this young boy is. I am not sure where he learned this characteristic but I do know that it is a reflection of our Heavenly Father. He was made in His image so I shouldn’t be surprised but I just adore this personally trait that He blessed Asher with. I truly believe that they are twins because He just knew that this road would be difficult and challenging and Vaughn would need a twin brother to walk along side him. Asher is a role model for Vaughn and though he is still a 5 year old boy and has times of pushing the limits, he is exceptional at seeing his brother’s needs and helping develop coping skills. Social interaction can be hard for Vaughn but in our home, where it is safe, they play together in a way that will always be just theirs. They get each other and for moments at a time, I forget that Vaughn has a different future then Asher. I forget that I need to be overly prepared for the next transition and how to try to avoid a melt down. I don’t have to think about how the environment might be over stimulating to Vaughn and how we can set him up for success as we experience a new adventure.

I am not entirely sure why we have decided to share all this other then we want to continue to share the milestones that the boys achieve as each day has become a reward and a fight to develop the character of our Testimony Twins. The boys recently had their 5 year old check up and it is with great joy that they have “graduated” from the special care clinic at Children’s. They are on the growth charts and thriving!

In some sense, I feel like we survived, we made it through the first obstacle and we are on to the next big thing. We are diving into the world of ASD and learning so much about behavior and how to personalize our parenting to best fit both of our son’s lives. We spend hours each week in different therapy’s and have the privilege to meet some very gifted therapist and doctors along the way. We have been granted a key into a whole new community of people that not only bless our lives but my prayer is that one day, we can bless theirs in return.

We are constantly asking the boys what they are thankful for… and when I picked Vaughn up from school last month, one of his teachers pulled me aside to show me a Thankful Turkey that Vaughn made and on it, one of the feathers said “me”. His Teacher asked him 3 times to make sure that he understood the question and he did… what great perspective on life. We are created to be grateful and I think being thankful for the life we have been given is an outward expression of an inward faith.

Jerad and I have constantly strived to be different, to make sure our family was set apart for God’s desires and our prayers were answered in such a unique and honoring way. We have knowledge and understanding that can be used to bring about hope. We can offer hope in a world that is in desperate need of just that!

We have Acknowledged Something’s Different and we accept it. My goal as a Mother hasn’t changed since the moment Vaughn and Asher arrived. I will raise God fearing gentlemen who love the Lord and others, it just might look a little different.