Monday, March 17, 2014

What is it time for....

I don’t really know where to begin except with the question that Jerad and I were asked a couple of times in the past and then again more recently. What is it time for? Not what time is it…. And after asking ourselves this question, the answer is to move. Our realtor and dear friend Charlie, (who has become part of the family in the past 5 months) sold our home in about 48 hours, which led us to live with my parents. They have opened up their home and let the 4 of us TAKE OVER. Their loft, their fridge, their dining room (which is my office) and their free time has been consumed by not only 2 little two year olds but another set of coffee loving, dishes using adults. There are no words that adequately express how grateful and appreciative we are to them. After 5 months of searching, praying, seeking out God’s best for our family, HE (and Charlie) have found our new address in a little town, called Johnstown.

We are very excited and also a little sad too as we close this chapter of our lives with Paul’s Custom Canvas, as the reason we are taking up residence in Johnstown is because the time has come for Jerad to change careers. PCC is the company that Jerad has worked for, for the past 15 years and this decision to leave did not come without much prayer. This business stood beside us as we got married, held our hands during the early arrival of Vaughn and Asher and our first non-family member babysitter was Michele and Hanna. They have supported our wishes to travel to other countries to help show God’s light to other nations and Paul has taught Jerad more than just the trade of canvas. Even though the chapter at PCC is closing, the good news is it isn’t ending. The book isn’t finished and these co-workers who will be so lovingly missed are our friends and will continue to be part of the memories made on our new street. With all of this said, we are overjoyed at the opportunity that has arose for Jerad to begin working for his Father and alongside his big brother, Eric as a machinist.

When we put our house up for sale or moved into my parents house we had no idea that the road would lead us up North but it is so fitting that our desires are really God’s, as I have been praying for Jerad to have Saturday’s off since the day I found out we were having boys.

To My Husband, Well Done!!! Your hard work has paid off and you are blessing the boys and me with a new home that is set apart for holy living, for kingdom purpose and as for the square feet that we will be closing on, THANK YOU…… WELCOME HOME.

Watch out Johnstown, there is another set of Allbritten’s moving in!