We officially have a crawler! Asher has been crawling for a couple of weeks now and I have been trying to get the perfect video and decided that the couple that we have are perfect enough because he is mobile. We are so very proud of him as we had just about given up on practicing crawling and were starting to focus all of our PT time on standing and walking and then one Tuesday evening my Mom sent us a video of Asher crawling. His motivation you ask, the remote control. They love to watch Baby Einstein.
The boys and I have had a busy couple of weeks as we saw the eye doctor last week and the helmet doctor this past Tuesday. Vaughn’s left eye is about the same but the eye doctor did say that she thought his glasses were helping. We should also begin patching his right eye, slowing working up to 2 hours a day. We haven’t started this as we were waiting to find out the progress with Vaughn’s helmet. The good news is we are a month away from being finished completely with helmets! This 5th scan showed that we made another millimeter in progress moving us to an 8. It wasn’t what we had hoped for but any progress is better than none. I know that we only have another month in his helmet as we have shaved away all the foam that we can in the area’s we are trying to round out. The advice of the helmet doctor was to only wear the helmet at nap time and bedtime as Vaughn is beginning to grow out of his helmet. We agreed with this recommendation as we have moved into summer and we believe that the torticollis will improve the more he is out of his helmet. This will also give us more opportunity to practice crawling with Vaughn as it was so hard to build upper body strength and lift his head to crawl with the helmet and the disadvantage of the torticollis. We are praying that we will have another crawler in the near future.
In March I wrote about the Tortoise and the Hare and over the weekend, Vaughn decided he didn’t want to take his afternoon nap so while Asher was sleeping; I played dress up with Vaughn. I have come to the conclusion that playing dress up is typical, the norm really. J Here is a picture of my Tortoise and because Vaughn has been in his helmet for so long, he is really good about wearing hats. My sister Jenelle gave me this hat and I just couldn’t resist taking a couple pictures of my Cowboy. Asher‘s first word was “dog” and on Tuesday when we were playing with a ball, Vaughn said “ball”! I actually got it on video because I was trying to capture Asher crawling! Maybe Asher will be a veterinarian and Vaughn will be a soccer player…. Isn’t fun to dream about who God will mold your children into being! The milestones that the boys are making are such sweet memories for us…..